Cellular Morphometric Parameters

Available on DxH 900 Hematology Analyzers

Cellular morphometric parameters (CMP)* provide new insights into red and white blood cell morphology. CMP can enable a variety of research studies, potentially providing information about bacterial and parasitic infection and other serious conditions. For detailed studies with unique and rich data sets, CMP includes extended 3D scatter plots and numerical-value assignment of cell subpopulations with characteristic shapes.  
Based on proprietary Automated Intelligent Morphology (AIM) technology and the unique design of DxH 900 hematology analyzers, CMP offers: 
  • 70 additional parameters that correspond to cell shape in three dimensions 
  • More-detailed morphological information with higher resolution 
  • Proprietary data synthesis to yield deeper insights into cellular behavior 
Many researchers around the globe have used CMP to better understand cellular morphological changes in various disease states. 

Morphometric Analysis of All Blood Cells*

White Blood Cells
White blood cells

With CMP, researchers can analyze the four major white blood cell types to detect aberrant cells. AIM technology records 14 numerical values, parameters that can help pinpoint abnormal cells. Some parameters include: 

  • Mean neutrophil/monocyte/lymphocyte volume distribution*
  • Neutrophil/monocyte/lymphocyte width

Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells

Red blood cell parameters provide useful information about cell morphology, enhancing the ability to detect altered cells. Parameters include:

  • Red blood cell size factor, which characterizes cell size across the full age continuum of circulating cells 
  • Unghosted cells, which indicate the presence of red blood cell abnormalities, such as inclusions, target cells and abnormal hemoglobin  
  • Microcytic anemia factor, which examines abnormal red blood cell modalities with a calculation that accounts for both cell size and hemoglobin content and may aid in the classification of anemias characterized by microcytic red blood cells
  • Low hemoglobin density, calculated from MCHC, which characterizes the presence of hypochromic red blood cells


Platelet research leverages advanced data synthesis to provide unique insights into platelet morphology, including:                      

  • Platelet distribution, which calculates variation in platelet size 
  • Plateletcrit, which computes the volume of platelet-packed cells 


Reticulocyte parameters use the DxH 900 analyzer’s unique hardware design to allow deeper insights into cell morphology, including reticulocyte distribution, which calculates variation in reticulocyte size.


Continue Your CMP Research

Download the RUO Parameter Instructions for Use, which provides detailed information on how to review and access these parameters on DxH 900. 
*For research use only and not cleared by the U.S. FDA for clinical diagnosis.