Behind the Scenes: Making of the DxI 9000 Access Immunoassay Analyzer Launch Video

Behind the scenes story of how our team created a video to introduce the DxI 9000 analyzer in a creative and memorable way.
Behind the Scenes: Making of the DxI 9000 Access Immunoassay Analyzer Launch Video

A lot of work goes into any new product launch. That said, Beckman Coulter’s DxI 9000 Access Immunoassay Analyzer isn’t just any new product. Our Global Marketing team created a video to introduce this groundbreaking new analyzer in a creative and memorable way.



We sat down with Tanya Botten, Senior Integrated Marketing Communications Manager, to learn what went into the making of the DxI 9000 analyzer’s launch video — and get a glimpse behind the scenes to see how the magic happened. Here’s our interview with Tanya.

What did Global Marketing set out to accomplish with the DxI 9000 launch video?
The DxI 9000 analyzer is a truly unique instrument, so it was really important to bring that unique value to the screen. And because so much of that value happens within the analyzer itself, we knew we needed to show the inner workings that make it unlike anything our customers have seen before. On top of that, we had a beautiful new visual direction for this launch from our creative design team, so it was fun to work with that and bring it to life in the video.


Why did this video need to be different than anything we’d done before?
Because what we’re doing in the immunoassay space is different than anything we’ve done before! With this analyzer, we’re reimagining what’s possible in today’s labs. Many people don’t realize that 70% of clinical decisions are based on diagnostic results1 from the laboratorians we serve. So we weren’t looking for a “tech and specs,” cut-and-dry video. We wanted to portray that fresh perspective and show how we’re helping labs reimagine the way they do their work.

Walk us through the creation process, from concept to final video. What were the main steps?
We started with the script, which was a joint effort among global product marketing, marketing communications and our business unit product owners. From there, we added visual concepts and put the storyboard in front of customers for feedback. Did it resonate? Did the messages we were trying to convey come through? That early customer input was essential to make sure the final video would have the impact we wanted.

Once the storyboard was approved, we started planning out the production. That means voiceover talent, on-screen talent, wardrobe, hair & make-up, location, licensing, visual effects… the list goes on. It’s amazing how much work goes into just one day on set, or a few hours in the recording booth. It was a huge team effort!

Tell us about the team involved in making the DxI 9000 launch video.
So many people were instrumental to our success. Legal and compliance helped us get all the documentation and licensing we needed. The design team ensured our visuals were engaging and on brand — from colors to fonts to textures. Global product marketing was with us from start to finish, shoulder to shoulder, to guide our messaging and make it all happen. And regional marketing teams gave us helpful feedback so we could be confident the final video would work for our teams all around the world.

The day of the video shoot must have been an exciting workday. What was it like?
We shot the video in the Beckman Coulter Vision Center at our World Headquarters in Brea, California, which is a facility where we bring customers to show them our technologies in action. We took over the whole center and brought in a 16-person crew to get it all done in a day. We had camera crews, folks setting up lights, people holding microphones, wardrobe, hair and make-up, and of course the amazing actress playing our laboratorian. We started at 6:30 a.m. and the last of us left around 8:30 p.m. It was a long, crazy and exciting day. We were tired but smiling!

Tell us a little about the on-screen and voiceover actors.
Maia Henkin, the actress you see in the video, is an award-winning actress and screenwriter. Among other work, she appeared in the TV Series Outliars — and she was also a screenwriter for the show.The voiceover actor is Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. You may recognize him from Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers and Planet of the Apes. He is also the voice of Thanos in Marvel video games. What a character! I met Isaac through a mutual connection, and we knew he was right for this video. We did the voiceover recording in a studio in Sherman Oaks, California. He was a total pro, giving us tons of options — can you try it again but emphasize this word instead? Can you speed that up or slow it down? For a two-minute video, it took about 3 hours in the recording booth. But the results were worth it.

The video gives us some up-close looks inside the DxI 9000 analyzer. How did you manage that?
That happened in a couple ways. First, our engineering team gave us 3D AutoCAD drawings that the design team could use to create the animated sequences you see. Beyond that, the analyzer’s design was a huge help! Because the DxI 9000 analyzer provides easy access to three sides of the instrument, our videographers were able to capture a lot of the internal workings to help tell the story in a more visual and complete way. So we were able to take real, internal footage of the analyzer at work, combine it with animations from those AutoCAD drawings, and create something that’s both authentic and eye-catching.

create time

“Create time” is a central message in the video. What makes that idea so important when it comes to the DxI 9000 analyzer?
Here’s the central message we want to get across with this launch: The DxI 9000 analyzer creates time for you to focus on what matters most. So much work in the lab happens away from the analyzer, so we wanted the video to show how this analyzer frees up time for the laboratorian to focus on other priorities. That’s why we see our actress load samples into the analyzer and walk away. The instrument takes it from there. At the end of the video, she walks out of the lab looking calm and confident, which is exactly how we want our customers to feel.

What is Global Marketing working on next for the DxI 9000 launch?
We’re really excited to bring the DxI 9000 analyzer to market and get it in front of customers. We’re planning for major tradeshows and events where we will demonstrate the instrument and use this beautiful video — but the real goal is to bring this analyzer to every lab around the world that needs it. At the end of the day, we’re in the business of helping patients by providing reliable test results so they can live healthy, meaningful lives. We’re living our mission to Relentlessly Reimagine Healthcare, One Diagnosis at a Time. I hope this video will help us do even more of that.

Learn more about the DxI 9000 Access Immunoassay Analyzer at

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