Never has the crucial role the clinical laboratory plays in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients been more evident than during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Now, more than ever, the laboratory is given the critical responsibility of quickly and efficiently providing insight to providers on the front line to allow for the best management of COVID-19-positive patients.
REMISOL Advance in the Clinical Laboratory
Beckman Coulter’s middleware solution, REMISOL Advance, has been used by many laboratories around the world to enhance efficiency and quality. By consolidating information into a centralized location, laboratory staff can more easily manage patient results.
REMISOL Advance middleware provides patient results from both diagnostic and serology tests on one screen for enhanced laboratory efficiency.
The Value of REMISOL Advance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In recent weeks, many tests have been developed across a multitude of platforms to help diagnose patients who may or may not have the virus, while others are starting to emerge to identify patients with current or previous exposure to determine the scope with which the virus has impacted the population1. With the help of REMISOL Advance middleware, laboratories can integrate results from cross-functional platforms (Fig 1).

Figure 1. An example of a patient request in REMISOL Advance, displaying results across diagnostic disciplines in a single, consolidated location.
When REMISOL Advance is used in conjunction with systems such as Cepheid’s GeneXpert® System and the Beckman Coulter DxI immunoassay analyzer platform, the laboratory can consolidate the view of the results of diagnostic and serological tests for SARS-CoV-2.
Positive Result Reporting to Health Authorities
Laboratories are required to report any positive SARS-CoV-2-related test results to public health authorities in a timely fashion. Utilizing robust reporting capabilities in REMISOL Advance middleware, the laboratory can create a custom list of relevant tests and associated positive results for extraction from the system, allowing simple and seamless reporting to federal agencies without cumbersome manual tracking or queries of laboratory information systems.
Find out how laboratories can fight the Impact of COVID-19 with serology testing.