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DxONE Command Central Lab Instrument Remote Monitoring System
Today's clinical laboratories have multiple instruments that need to be monitored to maximize uptime and maintain short turnaround times. The DxONE Command Central remote lab instrument monitoring system helps you manage laboratory performance more efficiently by establishing a centralized intra-laboratory or inter-laboratory view of your connected instruments across the network.
When it comes to monitoring vital instrument operations, DxONE Command Central is a critical link. That's because the system notifies operators automatically—via color-coded icons—whenever an alert condition is present. This solution can help improve productivity, especially in resource-constrained environments.
- Real-time view of multiple instruments enables you to view the latest status of instruments within the laboratory
- Connect up to 18 instruments to meet the needs of your growing network/li>
- Open-system compatiblity with third-party instruments* provides flexibility
- Simplifying management of laboratory instruments
Simplifying Management of Laboratory Instruments

- Connect up to 18 instruments
- Single view of all connected instruments can be displayed on up to five separate workstations

- Complete remote alerting and navigation of laboratory instruments
- Access instruments remotely to investigate patient and QC result errors (flags)

- Maximized uptime
- Receive immediate indication of an instrument problem out of the primary user's line of sight

- Consolidated monitoring of laboratory instruments (Beckman Coulter and third party)
- Achieve increased productivity through centralized monitoring of laboratory work processes
Brochure DxONE Command Central Brochure
Drive laboratory productivity through clinical information management tooIs.
DownloadInfographic Driving Productivity Through Remote Management
Achieve increased productivity by centralized monitoring of laboratory work processes.
View infographic†REMISOL Advance is a trademark or registered trademark of Normand-Info SAS in the United States and other countries. Used under license.