DxONE Command Central Lab Instrument Remote Monitoring System

Remote monitoring for improving laboratory productivity

Today's clinical laboratories have multiple instruments that need to be monitored to maximize uptime and maintain short turnaround times. The DxONE Command Central remote lab instrument monitoring system helps you manage laboratory performance more efficiently by establishing a centralized intra-laboratory or inter-laboratory view of your connected instruments across the network.


Tips & Tools

Select Tips & Tools to access helpful documents and information for your instrument.

Step 1: To access content such as job aids, checklists, In-Lab Training Manuals, etc., select the Tips & Tools link in the top left navigation.

Step 2: Select the product name.

Step 3: You will be directed to the product page and access to the product-specific content.

Click here to access Tips & Tools 


Brochure DxONE Command Central Brochure

Drive laboratory productivity through clinical information management tooIs.

DxONE Command Central

Infographic Driving Productivity Through Remote Management

Achieve increased productivity by centralized monitoring of laboratory work processes.

View infographic
*Not available in all regions or for third-party consumables.
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