Service Contracts

Optimize your lab with flexible service contract options

Gain the comprehensive support your lab needs, regardless of size, to help your operation maximize uptime, increase laboratorian confidence, and gain peace-of-mind.

Our flexible service contracts are designed to provide expert support, optimize instrument performance, and offer robust training options to help you meet or exceed your unique lab goals.

See our offerings

Key Benefits of Service Contracts

Maximize Lab
99% and 97% uptime guarantee during core business hours
Ongoing Lab Worker
Bundled education entitlements provide road mapping, flexible options and customer development to optimize decision making and customer upskilling
Around the Clock
Expansive coverage hours and response times provide extended support hours and onsite response times to minimize downtime
Build a Customized Pathway to Increased Confidence with DxS Service.


Solutions designed for your laboratory needs

DxI 9000 Analyzer
Your time matters. Create more of it to focus on what matters most. This immunoassay analyzer takes diagnostics to the next level.
DxS Service and supports
DxS Service & Support
Confidently minimize downtime, drive efficiency and maximize performance so you can deliver results on time.
PROService maximizes instrument uptime and resolves issues with advanced remote service tools, enabling shortened service times.


Speak to a Representative about Service Contracts

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