Coulter LH 750 Hematology Analyzer

The LH 750 hematology analyzer is equipped with advanced technologies, nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) enumeration and random access capabilities. These advancements help high-volume labs eliminate manual presorting of samples and speed results to clinicians. With this system, you can improve overall efficiency while maintaining the highest degree of testing accuracy. 

This product is supported by Beckman Coulter but is no longer being sold. Please contact your Beckman Coulter representative for details.

 DxH 900 Automated hematology connected system

Upgrade to the Next Generation DxH 900 Hematology Analyzer

High-volume laboratories may benefit by opting for the DxH 900 hematology analyzer. This laboratory-inspired analyzer incorporates innovative upgrades such as streamlined quality assurance tasks, twice the walkaway time for reagent placement, a smaller operational footprint and the novel Monocyte Distribution Width severity of infection marker.

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